Hi, I’m Diane!
Recently, I’ve begun to call myself a queenager.
Wondering what that means?
I don’t know what the person who coined it meant. My son thinks it’s that I’m still a teenager at heart (thanks son!)
But, for me it has a deeper meaning. I’ve decided that it’s the stage when I’ve begun to wear the wisdom of my age like a crown.
After all, I’ve had a chance to see GOD turn my life right side up. Or actually, it’s more like I’ve grown enough and adjusted my vision enough to see things from HIS perspective. And what a view!
My life is now filled with so many “aha moments”. Most of the time my hand is placed over my gaping mouth, as my eyes widen in belated recognition of the masterpiece GOD has always been creating and which I’m only now beginning to take in. I could go on and on. But I won’t.
Read or Listen to it for yourself in my book

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- Worldwide!
- In Jamaica at the Source of Light Mission
- In Panama at Greenhouse Coffee . . . or directly from Diane (phone: 6716-1615)